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Let me tell you guys, being a twin mom is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. My kids bring me joy and love and smiles every day. But with that being said, having twins can be tough. If I didn’t have the incredible support system that I have with family and friends, there’s no way I could manage as well as I do. And in the beginning, twin mom life was even harder. If you or someone you know who is having twins, here are five ways you can help a new twin mom.Outfit Details: Dress // Necklace // Espadrille Sandals
This is easily my top recommendation when people ask me how they can help a new twin mom and family. When you’ve just had two babies, and you’re exhausted from feeding, and cleaning your new babies, you barely have time to eat for yourself. Now keep in mind, don’t show up to the new twin mom’s house unannounced. No one likes that. Call or text and offer to drop off a meal. This is an important tip because when you’re a new mom, sometimes you don’t want other people in the house. Sometimes you don’t want to feel like you have to clean or entertain. So ask before you bring the food, or offer to drop the food at the door and leave. One of my friends did that for me, and I was so grateful.
When you have two babies, it means having two of almost everything, including clothes. Another great need for a new twin mom is help with the laundry. Babies are always spitting up or spilling, etc., so there’s always a need for extra clothes throughout the day, leading to a ton of laundry to wash. When my twins were newborns, and even now that they’re toddlers, we always have a mountain of laundry to tackle. Whether you offer to help put clothes in the washer and dryer or you offer to fold and put away clean clothes, trust me, the new twin mom will appreciate the help!
Look, this isn’t the most glamorous or fun suggestion out of the ways to help a new twin mom, but I promise it is one of the most valuable. If you’re comfortable with the new twin mom, offer to clean up the house for her. Sweep the kitchen, do the dishes, clean the toilets. As a new twin mom, you have a million things going on and cleaning the house is often at the bottom of the list. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated when my mom or mother-in-law came over to wash some dishes. It meant the world. And hey, if you’re not comfortable cleaning someone else’s house, offer to buy them an hour from a cleaning service. That’s a phenomenal gift for a new twin mom!
For this one, you need to say to your new twin mom that you specifically want to come over to watch the babies for a bit and give her a short break. If the mom is anything like me, they won’t want to be away from the baby for a long time, but they will love having even 20 minutes to take a shower. Make it clear that you’re coming over to give them a short break, this will let her know that she doesn’t need to worry about entertaining you, you’re just there to help her take time for herself.
No it’s not a typical way to help, but let me tell you, just hearing that you’re doing a great job means so much as a new twin mom. Sometimes you’re exhausted and hungry and overwhelmed, and having someone remind you that you’re doing awesome is such a welcome comment. Every new mom needs that reminder that they’re doing great, that they’re enough and their effort is amazing! This is especially true for a new twin mom. One of the ways you can help a new twin mom is being there for her and being there to remind her that she’s got this. Be her cheerleader and part of her support system.
Overall, being a new twin mom is hard and exhausting and overwhelming. But it’s manageable. You can handle anything your new babies throw at you. And if you’re supporting a new twin mom, one of the best ways you can help is just being there and offering to help. Show up and be there to support her when you can.
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Disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you…
Disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a slight commission if you click through and make a purchase.
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