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Guys, real talk, trying to be a fit mom is hard. And trying to be a fit twin mom?! Real hard. But I absolutely love working out and I love working to improve myself. I’ve often found that working out is so beneficial and worthwhile if you can make time for it.
The time that I had for working out before having the twins was so different, so over the past two years I’ve had to figure out what I can fit into my working mom schedule. These are three workouts that are my absolute favorites to maintain my weight and burn some calories. I’ve also found that working out is a great stress reliever. So if you’re busy like I am, with a long list of stressors, try working out a few times a week! I guarantee you won’t regret it.
I discovered Pure Barre about 3 or 4 years ago when Pure Barre Columbia MD opened. I had heard about barre workouts before and it sounded like something that I’d like. But I never had the opportunity to try it. So when the new studio was opening up right by my house, I decided to go to their opening weekend and give it a try. I was hooked on barre after the very first class. When I started Pure Barre, it was a year or so before I got pregnant with the twins. I was able to continue taking classes, with a few modifications, up until the week before I gave birth. And I only stopped then because I was put on bedrest.
What I love about Pure Barre is that the workout is always different and interesting each class. The flow of the routine is the same but the actual moves are always mixed up and different, so you never get bored. Each class starts with a warm-up with arms, then a thighs section, a “seat” section (for your butt), and an abs section. The classes then ends with a cool-down/stretch.
I also really really enjoy the group fitness aspect of Pure Barre classes. I’ve only ever been to the Columbia, MD studio, but the women that I met there are all just the nicest people ever. The fellow women in the class and the teachers just make each class such a fun experience.
I really feel like Pure Barre has helped change my body to keep myself toned. I also felt like continuing to take Pure Barre while I was pregnant helped me stay fit and keep my weight gain in control. Even before I gave birth, I was feeling like a fit twin mom.
Sadly, I haven’t been able to make it to the Pure Barre studio in a long time because of the kids, but I’m hoping I can make it back sometime soon. Since I haven’t been able to enjoy Pure Barre classes in person, I did buy a monthly membership to Pure Barre On Demand, which I’m loving. The Pure Barre On Demand classes are just like the in-studio classes, they even have a few that are just video recorded classes so you feel like you’re in the studio too! If you can’t make it into a Pure Barre studio, I highly recommend the On Demand classes.
If you’ve read my post on the Disney Princess Half Marathon, then you already know I love running. It’s funny because I can remember being in high school dreading running a mile in gym class. I hated running. And then about seven years ago I found my love for running. I really wanted to lose weight before my wedding. So I started looking for a new workout that I could get into to help me on my weight loss journey. I started running in small increments, adding distance and speed as I went along. At some point I just really started to love running.
I loved the solitude of running through my neighborhood by myself. There’s something peaceful about just running a few miles by yourself, and that’s what I really love about running. When I’m running, I can listen to a playlist of songs or I can listen to a good podcast. Since having the kids and moving to a less runner-friendly neighborhood, I bought a treadmill. Do I love running on the treadmill as much as I love running outside? No. But, by running on the treadmill I have the chance to get a run in when the kids are sleeping–and that’s invaluable to me as a mom. Now I run during the kids’ nap time, early in the morning before the kids wake up, or at night after the kids go to bed. If you’re gonna be a fit twin mom, you gotta make it work when you can.
Another thing that’s great about running is that you can do it anywhere. You can run when you go out-of-town, any time of the year. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and some space and you’re good to go.
A few years ago I saw one of my college friends posting on Facebook about running a Disney Princess race; I wanted to know more. The thought of mixing two things I love was really appealing. I could run and I could enjoy Disney. A match made in heaven. So I signed up for my first Disney Princess Half Marathon, and I discovered a new aspect of running to love. Races are just such a good time. I love pushing myself to finish and I love getting to know other people in the running community. Running is the best.
Spinning is something that I wish I could do more often, because when I get a chance to do it, I love it! I used to go twice a week with my dad at our local gym. Spin is so much fun, but it’s also a really hard workout. And I love a hard workout. I love to work up a good sweat and feel like I’m working hard. I highly recommend everyone try a spin class at least once. And try to find an instructor that you like who plays music you like. In my experience, a great instructor and awesome music can make all the difference.
No matter how you choose to workout, even if it’s just taking a 30-minute walk every evening, it’s important to make time to work on your health. Working out is one of my favorite hobbies as a fit twin mom. How do you guys like to workout?
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